Friday, May 26, 2006

Spring Loves Autumn

Spring loves Autumn...
but Autumn is hiding underneath all her leaves.
Time is short, life too few,
The season's wrong the dream far from true.
Time awaisted the sad will linger;
till spring turns to summer and autumn to winter.

Monday, May 08, 2006

the death of spring...

summer and winter fell in love and had a child,
they called it spring.
winter loved spring too much
and her icy caress killed him.
buried under the leaves of the trees between them,
lay him.
they never talked again.
they had another child,
they called him spring all the same.
but spring was gone;
deep within the death and beauty of red autumn.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

something just died...

something just died on my floor,
its gathering ants now.
slowly but surely bits and pieces of it,
meticulously carried away into some deep dark hole in the wall.
something died on my floor,
its been lying there for a week.
why won't anyone sweep my floor?
its beginning to give off a stench now.
why won't i sweep my floor?
how can i just lie there,
bits and pieces of me carried away...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

night sky...

The sun sets in through,
the daughter of the earth and sky.
The ugly moon rises to shine.
the horizon is trully beautiful tonight.
beautiful enough to kill.